About Dr. Sanjiv Bhatia

My name is Sanjiv Bhatia. I am an entrepreneur, economist, investment banker, venture capitalist, author, and speaker. I work with governments and corporations on a wide range of environmental and economic issues. And I write and speak on policies related to economics, financial markets, and the environment. As I view the plight of the ordinary Indian, I have become convinced that the solution to many of India’s problems will come from Libertarian ideas of individual rights and responsibilities, free markets and limited government.The country’s biggest problem is the ever expanding reach and authority of the government, and the corruption that results from this power.The country is weighed down by excessive laws and regulations that are randomly enforced, almost always favoring those who can work the system.The injustice against the poor is pervasive, and little is ever done about it. The corruption and injustice are destroying the very fabric of this nation.My school teacher once told me: If you don’t write, nothing will change. So in these blogs, I will challenge the conventional wisdom that has prevented India from achieving its potential.I hope to convince my readers that the government is not the solution but the problem and that free market solutions offer the best hope for India to reach its growth potential and get millions out of poverty.


In March, the World Health Organization (WHO), a notoriously inefficient and corrupt organization, declared the COVID – 19 virus (also called the corona virus) to be a global pandemic– an indication of […]

2020-04-01T14:49:12+00:00 April 1st, 2020|


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has three main areas of responsibility. It is a banker of banks and is responsible for maintaining public confidence in the banking system. It is also the government’s […]

2019-09-09T14:25:19+00:00 September 9th, 2019|


In the 2019 budget, the FM announced that the government would increase its borrowing in the international market. This was being done to avoid the “crowding out” effect—a phenomenon where the government borrows money […]

2019-07-28T19:38:52+00:00 July 28th, 2019|


Countries pass through stages on the road to economic prosperity. Economist W.W.Rostow postulated five such stages of economic development: the traditional society, pre-take-off, take -off, drive-to-maturity, and period of mass consumption.

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2019-09-21T13:46:37+00:00 August 8th, 2018|


What comes to mind when you hear the word “eminent” ? Most reasonable people would associate eminence with someone that has attained a level of achievement far beyond others through years of hard work, […]

2018-07-26T22:34:18+00:00 July 12th, 2018|


Education and skill development fulfil two goals simultaneously: an economic goal to provide businesses with a skilled workforce necessary to enhance productivity, improve competitiveness and increase economic growth, and a social goal […]

2018-07-26T22:40:35+00:00 April 13th, 2018|


Various Indian governments have been pushing the global credit rating agencies (CRA’s) to reexamine the country’s credit rating given its clean seventy-year credit history and recent economic growth. Last week Moody’s finally […]

2018-07-26T22:45:35+00:00 November 25th, 2017|
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